If you want more of this fine poet's work, check out this link: Middle Kingdom. A take on world travel through the poet's eye and an anthology worth reading.
red wine danced in the glass
darker red than blood,
sun travelling through the wine
the tablecloth beneath.
reflections a heightened way
seeing? - So much variety
on whether it's windy
not. The ruffled waters
of Lake Learmonth,
with ribbons
yellow and blue capturing
late afternoon sky.
usual, I don't stop.
the still days with water
reflections reach great
- where even the seemingly
is magically transformed.
02/ 2017 Ballarat for Maryborough
The fruit fly was water-skiing over
the sweat on my chest. I felt
woozy. "Do you have a fever?" asked
the medical guru.
"I feel about as normal as ever
which I admit is not terribly
normal." I stood up.
The fruit fly went rapidly downhill.
That's the way with life. Just when
you feel comfortable, somebody tips
the table and some normality
disappears. Like the Government
taking $90 a fortnight from
my pension, but what's not to like
for the liver with the prospect of 6
fewer bottles of red wine passing
through its system? It may even
survive a few extra weeks.
Are you aware of the unusual strain
on the legs when running downhill?
I thought not. Avoid it all costs.
Walking is permissible; like downhill
from Mt Bogong; over snow drifts;
through the mountain ash; now but a memory.
Ballarat for Maryborough 02/ 03/ 17
The fruit fly was water-skiing over
the sweat on my chest. I felt
woozy. "Do you have a fever?" asked
the medical guru.
"I feel about as normal as ever
which I admit is not terribly
normal." I stood up.
The fruit fly went rapidly downhill.
That's the way with life. Just when
you feel comfortable, somebody tips
the table and some normality
disappears. Like the Government
taking $90 a fortnight from
my pension, but what's not to like
for the liver with the prospect of 6
fewer bottles of red wine passing
through its system? It may even
survive a few extra weeks.
Are you aware of the unusual strain
on the legs when running downhill?
I thought not. Avoid it all costs.
Walking is permissible; like downhill
from Mt Bogong; over snow drifts;
through the mountain ash; now but a memory.
Ballarat for Maryborough 02/ 03/ 17
The Dark Side of the Moon.
The fruit fly abseiled up my
nose hair.
I made the mistake of
dipping my nose
in the glass of gin. The fly
landed on
an ice block and wondered
whether he
had landed on the dark side
of the Moon.
I assured him he was still
on terra firma.
He proceeded to the rim of
the glass and
began to dry his wings.
After the immersion
in the gin he tottered
slightly. He was not
the only one.
Why are fruit flies so
attracted to alcohol?
Why am I so attracted to
The recycling bin is so
heavy with bottles
and what must the neighbours
when a fortnight's bottles
are emptied noisily?
The fruit fly is still here,
always within
reach of my nearest glass.
What a mean
occupation! How limiting! I
tried to educate
him with other beverages but
he's not
having any. We are both tied
to our old ways.
Maryborough 05/05/17
With my powerful magnifying
I noticed my friend wearing
I suspect (know?)he was hit
by the cycling craze.
Many other fruit flies were
in Lycra.
All had tiny bicycles. The
Lycra grabbed
their crotches, so you could see who
had been circumcised and who
had not.
I'd made the mistake of
sprinkling salt
on the table cloth.
"These stones are rough,"
whined my fruit fly. It
didn't last. Soon he,
and his fellow flies, all
male, cycled around
a small puddle and then
stopped at a small
shed-like building where
they entered and
enjoyed a cappuccino, late,
long black, whatever.
The owner of the shed was
Now, whenever my fruit fly
is due to ride,
I cover my alcohol
with Glad Wrap.
I can't afford the wretch
being pinged for .05
Ballarat 06/07/17
Out of the Window
Hi, my name's Fernando. I'm
a fruit fly. I live with David.
He lives with me. Whatever.
The alcohol here is unlimited, and
such good quality. You might
have noticed we fruit flies love our
David has given me the task
of writing this piece. He has told me
to write fast, don't stop
and be as trivial as you like. I like the
last one.
I am writing this perched on
the rim of a glass containing
a stiff gin and tonic and a
slice of lemon. While I write, David is
reading Bleak
House by Charles Dickens. The poor man is up to
page 587. Only another 413
pages to go. And there is much
housework and gardening waiting for him!
On the nature strip
opposite, a couple of magpies have taken
possession, hunting off a
couple of blackbirds, who were there first.
I feel sorry for the worms.
It's been a wet year. Luckily here, the
pickings for the spiders have been so poor, they have decamped, so I
don't have a worry in the
The red car opposite has just
moved off. People in this street come and go
all day. There's always
something to notice. The red car people are
all female and always, in
the weekends, filling the car with beach
equipment. Oh, that we could
be so lucky. David tells me we are off
to Maryborough tomorrow.
"Can you manage four hours without
alcohol?" he asks.
"I guess we will make up for it on our return,"
I reply.
Green-haired Bob's roses
need pruning. He's such a busy man. David's
roses need pruning too.
My technical name is
Drysophila. (The red car has just returned and
is disgorging passengers)
David tells me that he and a few mature-
aged students (teachers)
were attempting to pass a diploma studying something
called Biology as part of a
Social Sciences course. They were studying the
mating habits of the
Drysophila. He and a friend failed the subject four
times. I often worry about the intellect of David.
To get him and his friend to graduate, they deleted the subject.
David has refilled his
glass. I just managed to avoid the bubbles from
the tonic water smudging
this page.
The pink flowering-gum
overhanging this window is festooned with gum nuts.
The new flower buds are
swelling. Two weeks ago, four spotted pardolates
were feeding on insects,
which were feeding on the leaves. They improved
the tree's health. One good
turn deserves another.
After a -2C morning (8C in
the house), the sun shone, the sky
was a deep blue and as I
write, the sun is sinking, as it does, in
the west.
South-west at night, you get
the lights from the trotting track.
David says I would love it
there. There is so much alcohol in the
Flying Horse
Maryborough 01/ 09/ 17
For Susan.
Ye Gods and Small fish. What
revolting ornament! It looks
like it's
fallen off a plumber's
truck. Maybe it
would look better from a
different angle?
Maybe not. Actually, when I
first saw it,
I thought it was a pig. If
seen on a dark
night, it would probably
frighten small children.
Wake me when the five
minutes is over.
David Farnsworth 05/05/17